We are a non-profit organization of HRVG trained Remote Viewers. We use double blind targeting to ensure clarity of results for any desired target and specific proven methodologies to adapt to new areas of data collection in our ever growing world.

Our Approach

The Tasker is the client who submits a Tasking Form to our targeting committee then to our respected Targeteer for the team working the target. The viewers then works on the target and all data is collected and analyzed and recorded by the Analyst. The project is then formed into presentation with at least 3 scenarios formulated from the respected data collection for the target by the Analyst(s). The Manager then reports data back to client.

Double blind Targeting

As in the HRVG method, the Tasker and Targeteer are the only eyes on the target data which is then stored in an envelope and given a randomly generated 8 digit Alpha-Numeric ID which the Viewer is tasked to work on only the ID. The Manager acts as the luminary to pass information throughout the process from 1 group to the next ensuring the double blind purity of data.

Confidentiality and Growth

Building partnerships and trust with clients and members is paramount to our goals and we value, and respect your goals to the utmost. Research and New Frontiers by using our methods for information gathering are our trade secrets. This strengthens our dedication and respect for our clients and fellows Remote Viewing fellow field researchers.